Our Staff
Here at Sunset Cafe we have four separate staff teams that focus on different jobs throughout the server. We have our Administration Team, our Moderation Team, our Event Team, and our Promotional Team. You can read about all of these teams in more depth on their respective pages under the Our Staff drop down menu. We want every member in our server to get the best experience possible so we divide our staff members into the teams that they work the best in.
What Makes Our Team Qualified?
Everyone in our team must go through an application process, these applications are then precisely reviewed to make sure that the best applicants are chosen. Once an applicant has made it through that stage they enter the trial stage, they are still on the staff team but they have fewer responsibilities and are assessed for their skills. Once they make it past that they are ready to become a fully fledged staff member on their team!
What Makes Our Team Unique?
Unlike some servers we don't have any minimal requirements for our staff to meet. We understand that sometimes life gets busy and discord gets set aside, staff members are allowed to take time off as long as they inform the owner (sadYeeHaw#2683). Staff have only been demoted in extreme cases of inactivity or disrespect, we want to make sure our team is the best of the best so we don't tolerate anyone who is disrespectful. Overall our staff team is a group of chill individuals who just want what is best for the server, they are able to hangout alongside their fellow members and don't brag about their staff roles. We are very proud of the staff team that we have put together so far and we can't wait to see how it grows with the server.